University of California Alfalfa Symposia
Alfalfa Leaf Image 2011 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium Alfalfa Leaf Image
December 11-13, 2011 • Las Vegas Hilton • Las Vegas, NV
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The 2011 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium was held in Las Vegas, NV, December 11-13, 2011.

View Symposium Program

Sunday, Dec 11th
Nevada Agricultural Tour
Noon - 7:30 pm
Monday, Dec 12th
6:30 AM
Exhibits Open
7 AM
8 AM
Morning Main Session
8 - Noon
Dairy Issues and Market Trends
8:05 am Hay Markets in the Western States


Seth Hoyt, The Hoyt Report, Ione, CA
8:30 Dairy Situation in the Western US
Bill Van Dam, Alliance of Western Milk Producers, Sacramento, California
8:55 Environmental Challenges and Solutions for Dairies
Deanne Meyer, California Dairy Quality Assurance Program, University of California, Davis, California
9:20 Producing the Best Alfalfa or Grass Hay for Horses

Bill Schurg, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
9:45 Discussion
10:00 Break
World Issues and Trends and Markets
10:30 European Alfalfa Dehydration Systems


Eric Guillemont, Secretary General, European Association of Dehydrators, Paris, France
10:55 World Fertilizer Demand and Supply


Don Horneck, Oregon State University, Hermiston, Oregon
11:20 World Food Demand and Prices: What This means to Western Hay Producers


Dan Sumner, Ag Issues Center, University of California, Davis, California
11:45 Discussion
Banquet Lunch
Noon - 1:30 PM
Simultaneous Afternoon Breakout Sessions (I-II)
1:30 - 5 PM
Breakout Session I(Does Not Repeat)
Breeding and Managing the Ideal Corn Silage Hybrid
1:30 pm The Genetics of Corn Varieties

Joe Lauer, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
1:50 pm Optimizing Agronomic Practices for Corn Silage

Jeremy Groeteke, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Johnstown, Iowa
2:10 The art and Science of Making Silage Crops

Richard Muck, USDA-ARS, Madison, Wisconsin
2:30 Analyzing Silage Crops for Quality: What is most important?

Ralph Ward, Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Hagerstown, Maryland
2:50 Discussion
3:00 Break
3:30 Advantages of Forage Sorghum for Silage in Limited Input Systems


Mark Marsalis, New Mexico State University, Clovis, New Mexico
3:50 Challenges and Benefits of Interseeding Legumes into Grass-dominated Pastures and Hayfields


Joe Brummer, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Manuel C. Gomes
4:10 What is the fate of N Fertilizer in Grass Pastures and Small Grain Forage? Presentation
Don Horneck, Oregon State University, Hermiston, Oregon
4:30 The Potential of Teff as an Alternative Forage Crop for Irrigated Regions


Jay Davison, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada
4:50 Discussion
5:00 Adjourn
Breakout Session II(repeats 3:30 - 5:00)
Pest Management
1:30 & 3:30 Developing an IPM Program for Controlling Pocket Gophers and Voles in Alfalfa


Roger Baldwin, UC Statewide IPM Program, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier, CA
1:50 & 3:50 Advances in Weed Management, is it Getting Better or Worse?


Mick Canevari, UCCE, Stockton, California
2:10 & 4:10 Alfalfa Insect Management in the Southwest US


Eric Natwick, UCCE, El Centro, California
2:30 & 4:30 Coping with Alfalfa Stem Nematode


Tim Woodward, Columbia Basin College, Pasco, Washington
3:00 Break
2:50 & 4:50 Discussion
3:00 & 5:00 Break
Breakout Session III(repeats 3:30-5:00)
Pest Management
1:30 & 3:30 Managing Drip Irrigation in Alfalfa
Rob Thomas, Grower, Seeley, California
1:50 & 3:50 Maintaining Center Pivots Successfully
Jack Moyle, Moyle Irrigation, Enterprise, Utah
2:10 & 4:10 Comparing Costs and Efficiencies of different irrigation systems


Blake Sanden, UC Cooperative Extension, Bakersfield, California
2:30 & 4:30 Irrigation Cutoffs with Alfalfa-What are the Implications?


Mike Ottman, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2:50 & 4:50 Discussion
3:00 & 5:00 Break
Exhibitor's Reception
5:00 - 6:30 PM
CAFA Raffle
6:00 PM
CAFA Business Meeting
6:30 PM
Tuesday, Dec 13th
7 AM
General Session
8 - 12:15 PM
Producing Quality Forages for Different Markets
8:05 am What are the Five Most Important Things to Measure in Hay Crops?


Dave Mertens, Mertens Innovations, Belleville, Wisconsin
8:30 How do Forage Quality Measurements Translate to Value to the Dairy Farmer?


Normand St-Pierre, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
8:55 Linking Markets with Forage Quality?


Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, California
9:15 The Dynamic World of Hay Exports
Allen Van Deynze, Seed Biotechnology Center, University of California, Davis, CA
9:35 Discussion
9:40 Break
GMOs and Roundup Ready Alfalfa
10:00 Roundup Ready® Alfalfa- What Have We Learned to Date?


Steve Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension, Yreka, California
10:20 What are the Available Tools for Co-Existence of GE and Non-GE Alfalfa?


Rod Christensen, Ag Management, Inc.
10:40 A Survey of Growers on GE Crops and Coexistence

Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, California
10:40 What are the Key Methods to Implement Coexistence between GE and non-GE alfalfa?

Bill Simon, Simon Farms, Inc., Fairfield, ID (organic hay grower)

Phil Bowles, Bowles Farming, Inc., Los Banos, CA (Roundup-Ready and conventional hay grower, Chair, California Alfalfa & Forage Assoc.)

Chep Gauntt, Pasco, WA (Hay grower and Exporter, former Chair, Washington State Haygrowers Association)

Scott Emanuelli, Seed and Hay Grower, El Centro, CA (organic and conventional seed producer, and hay and seed exporter)

Mark McCaslin, CEO, Forage Genetics Int'l, Minneapolis, MN (developer of RR alfalfa, participant in USDA Coexistence talks)

Paul Frey, CEO, Cal West Seeds, Woodland, CA (Grower-owned Seed Production Cooperative, participant in USDA Coexistence talks)

Chuck Benbrook, The Organic Center, Boulder CO (organic advocate, participant in USDA Coexistence talks)
12:15 Adjourn