University of California Alfalfa Symposia
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1999 8-9 December
29th California Alfalfa Symposium
Fresno, California
Department of Agronomy and Range Science Extension
University of California, Davis, CA 95616


Year-PG Article Title Author(s)
99-01 Hay Industry Trends: Understanding Alfalfa & Dairy Statistics
Putnam, D.
99-14 Hay Exports, Acreage and Trends
Hoyt, S.
99-23 Choose a Lab That Chooses Excellence
Putnam, D.
99-30 Common Abuses of Hay Testing Results
Putnam, D.
99-37 US Dairy Forage Research Center Programs — Their Importance to California
Martin, N.P.
99-44 Sclerotinia Stem and Crown Rot of Alfalfa in the San Joaquin Valley
Frate, C.A.
99-53 Problem Alfalfa Weeds
Vargas, R., Canevari, M.
99-60 NDF and its Role in Alfalfa Analysis
Robinson, P.H.
99-68 Daily Changes in Alfalfa Forage Quality
Shewmaker, G.E., Mayland, H.
99-74 Botulism Associated with Hay Crops
Thomazin, K.L.
99-76 Tons of Value in a Pound of Seed
Mueller, S.C.
99-82 (1 of 2) Application of Dairy Manure to Alfalfa – Issues and Techniques
Russelle, M.P.
99-87 (2 of 2) Application of Dairy Manure to Alfalfa – Issues and Techniques
Russelle, M.P.
99-96 Control of Dairy Lagoon Water Applications in Alfalfa
Mathews, M.C.
99-102 Alfalfa Pest Control and Water Quality
Long, R.
99-120 Big Bales, Small Bales & Sampling Location: Are There Differences?
Orloff, S., Putnam, D., Ackerly, T., Geng, S.
99-131 California Alfalfa & Forage Association
Ellis, T.
99-134 Molybdenum, Copper and Selenium in Alfalfa and Other Forages
Meyer, R.D., Phillips, R.L., Marcum, D.B.