University of California Alfalfa Symposia
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2002 11-13 December
32nd California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium
Reno, Nevada
Department of Agronomy and Range Science Extension
University of California, Davis, CA 95616


Year-PG Article Title Author(s)
02-001 Emerging Issues with Alfalfa in the Pacific Northwest
Glen E. Shewmaker, Steve C. Fransen, David A. Hannaway
02-009 Emerging Issues for Alfalfa and Other Forages in the Great A Basin
Thomas C. Griggs, Willie Riggs
02-013 Emerging Issues with Alfalfa in the Desert and Mediterranean Regions of the Western United States (CA/AZ)
Dan Putnam, Mike Ottman
02-023 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TDMLs) in Alfalfa—The Implications for Alfalfa Irrigation Management
Terry L. Prichard
02-031 The Economic Impact of Water Transfers on Alfalfa in the West
Richard Howitt
02-041 Management of Egyptian Alfalfa Weevil and Protection of Yields with Selected Insecticides
Larry D. Godfrey, Dan Putnam
02-047 Biology and Management of Stand-Decline Diseases of Irrigated Alfalfa in the Western U.S.
Fred Gray, David W. Koch, Charla R. Hollingsworth
02-053 New Herbicide Tools in Alfalfa Stand Establishment
W. Mick Canevari
02-059 Weed Shifts as a Result of Herbicide Use Patterns in Alfalfa
Barry Tickes, Steve Orloff
02-065 Using Evapotranspiration Data to schedule Irrigation of Forages
Robert W. Hill
02-073 Monitoring Soil Moisture for Maximum Profit Irrigation of Alfalfa
Blaine Hanson, Steve Orloff
02-079 Nitrogen, Sulfur, Potassium and Phosphorus Fertilization in Alfalfa—When are They Necessary?
Richard T. Koenig
02-087 Understanding Micronutrient Fertilization in Alfalfa
Roland D. Meyer, Daniel B. Marcum, Steve Orloff
02-095 Management of Cool-Season Grasses for Hay Production and Quality
Steven C. Fransen, Thomas C. Griggs
02-101 Using triticale and Annual Ryegrass in cool Season Perennial Grass Grazing Systems
Daniel J. Drake, Steve B. Orloff
02-111 Harvesting Maximum value from Small grain Cereal Forages
George Fohner
02-117 Management of Nitrate and Prussic Acid in forage Crops
Brian Shreve
02-123 Certifieed Weed Free Forage: An Emerging Program for Western States
Steve Schoenig
02-129 What Makes an Animal Choose a Forage?
Beth Burritt, Fred Provenza
02-137 Why Does the Dollar Value of Alfalfa Hay Not Continue to Increase as its TDN Increases?
P.H. Robinson, E. J. DePeters
02-149 Hay Sampling Protocols and a Hay Sampling Certification Program
Dan Putnam, Steve B. Orloff
02-159 New/Emerging Measurements for ForageQuality
Dan Putnam
02-167 The Importance of Choosing a Certified Lab
Brian Shreve
02-169 Sampling the Moisture Content of Alfalfa in the Windrow
Ron Thaemert
02-173 Harvest Timing Strategies for Improved Profit
Steve Orloff, Dan Putnam
02-185 Implications of Seeding Rates and Seed Coating with Improved Alfalfa Varieties
Glen E. Shewmaker, Maggie H. Hopwood, Ron L. Roemer
02-191 Interpretation and Use of University Forage Varity Trial Results
Thomas C. Griggs
02-195 Economics of Variety Choice—Risk Analysis
Tim Woodward
02-201 Alfalfa in the 21st Century: Possibilities and Limitations of Genetic Engineering
Mary K. Sledge
02-207 An Update on the development of Roundup Ready Alfalfa
Mark McCaslin
02-209 Traffic Tolerance in Alfalfa
Donald Miller, Jim Moutray
02-211 Yield Potential with Hybrid Alfalfa
Michael Velde, Paul Sun, Steve Wagner, Dan Gardner
02-215 Alfalfa Varieties Now and in the Future from CAL/WEST Seeds
Lauren Johnson, David Johnson, Jon Reich
02-217 Roundup ready Alfalfa in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California
Ron Vargas, Tome' Martin-Duvall, Eric Hoffman, Kurt Hembree, Neil Va