University of California Alfalfa Symposia
Alfalfa Leaf Image 2024 California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium Alfalfa Leaf Image
December 10 - 12, 2024 - Sparks, NV
Proceedings & Video Coming Soon
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The organizers of the 2024 California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the many sponsors of this year's conference.

Please join us for the 2024 California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium held at the Nugget in Sparks, NV. The program includes a one-day irrigation workshop, and a full ½ day main program. CEU credits offered.

Co-Chairs of Program: Nick Clark and Michelle Leinfelder-Miles (University of California), and managed by the California Alfalfa & Forage Association

Registration for Attendees, Exhibitors and Sponsors can be found here.

Hope to see you there!!

DAY ONE - Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Workshop: Advances in Irrigation and Water Management
(Moderator: Giuliano Galdi, UCANR)

10:00am Welcome and Introductions Giuliano Galdi, UCANR
10:10am The Importance of Alfalfa in a Water-Uncertain Future Daniel Putnam, University of California, Davis
10:30am Alfalfa Crop Water Requirements Daniele Zaccaria, University of California, Davis
10:50am Applied Tools to Design Optimal Deficit Irrigation Strategies in Alfalfa Ali Montazar, ANR
11:10am Assessment of Satellite-Derived Crop ET Compared to Actual ET for Precision Irrigation in Alfalfa Moneim Mohamed, UC Cooperative Extension
11:30am Climate Change and SGMA Impact on Alfalfa and other Forages in the San Joaquin Valley Tapan Pathak, UCM
1:00pm The Economics of Deficit Irrigation on Alfalfa Khaled Bali, ANR
1:20pm Water Allocation and Challenges Facing Alfalfa and Pasture in Scott Valley and other Alfalfa Growing Regions in Northern California Laura Foglia, University of California, Davis
1:40pm Irrigation Prediction and Scheduling System for Alfalfa and Forages Tim Hyde, SWAN Systems
2:00pm Groundwater Recharge on Alfalfa - Scotts Valley Giuliano Galdi, ANR
2:20pm Advances in Using Variable Rate Irrigation and Sensors on Alfalfa Alejandro Andrade-Rodriguez, University of Nevada
2:40pm Q&A
3:10pm Breeding Alfalfa for California Rangelands Charlie Brummer, University of California, Davis Cree King, University of California, Davis
3:30pm Advances in Surface Irrigation Management on Alfalfa Peter Moller, Rubicon Water
3:50pm Troubleshooting Irrigation Systems Matt Yost, Utah State University
4:10pm Growers' Perspective on Advances in Water Management in Alfalfa and other Forages Jay Dow, Dow Ranch
4:40pm Discussion

DAY TWO - Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Session I. Economics, Forage, Dairy, Trade and Water Trends
(Moderator: Sarah Light, UC Cooperative Extension)

9:00am Welcome Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE Nicholas Clark, UCCE
9:10am Status of Western Hay Markets Josh Callen, The Hoyt Report
9:40am Hay Export Dynamics: A New World Scot Courtright, Courtright Enterprises, Inc.
10:40am California Dairy Economic Update Paul Sousa, Western United Dairies
11:10am Drought and Groundwater Regulation: Impacts for Irrigated Agriculture in California Ellen Bruno, UC Berkeley
11:40am Understanding the Value of Alfalfa's Water Productivity and Flexibility Dan Putnam, UC Davis

Session II. Weed and Rodent Management
(Moderator: Giuliano Galdi, UCANR)

1:30pm Management of Voles: Is it Possible? Roger Baldwin, UC Davis/UCANR
1:55pm The Impacts of Palmer Amaranth in CA Alfalfa Production Jorge Angeles, UCANR
2:20pm Changing Trends in NE California Alfalfa Weed Management Rob Wilson, UCANR

Session III. Grass/Alternative Forage Production
(Moderator: Jackie Atim, UCANR)

1:30pm Optimizing Sorghum as a Versatile Forage Crop: Insights from a Multi-Year California Study Tadeo Kaweesi, UCANR
1:55pm Grasses and Grass Varieties for California Irrigated Pastures Charlie Brummer, UC Davis
2:20pm Fertilizer and Irrigation Considerations for Low Desert Sudangrass Biomass Productivity and Nutritional Quality Oli Bachie, UCANR

Session IV. Pest Management
(Moderator: Jorge Angeles, UCANR)

3:00pm Alfalfa Weevil Insecticide Resistance: A Challenge and Case Study for Insecticide Resistance in Field Crops Ian Grettenberger, UC Davis
3:25pm Update on Aphids in California Alfalfa Michael Rethwisch, UCCE
3:50pm Grasshopper: Ecology and Economics Jordan Juzdowski, USDA

Session V. Forages, Alternative Feedstuffs and Feeding California's Dairy Herd.
(Moderator: Jennifer Heguy, UC Cooperative Extension)

3:00pm Evaluating Effects of Deficit Irrigation Strategies on Forage Sorghum Yields and Nutrient Composition Grown in the San Joaquin Valley of California Jackie Atim, UCANR
3:25pm Characterization and Usage of Forages on Western States Dairies Ralph Ward, Cumberland Valley Analytical Services
3:50pm Improving the Value of Rice Straw Josh Davy, UCCE

Session VI. What’s New in the Industry - Lightning Talks
(Moderator: Tom Getts, UC Cooperative Extension)

DAY THREE - Thursday, December 12, 2024

Session VII. Nutrient Management
(Moderator: Nick Clark, UCCE)

8:30am Implications of Manure Treatment Technologies on Nutrient Composition Deanne Meyer, UC Davis/UCANR
8:50am Practical Applications of Nutrient Management in Alfalfa Production Danyal Kasapligil, Dellavalle Laboratory Inc.
9:10am Rotating Alfalfa with Corn and its Implications for Mitigating Nitrogen Leaching Arshdeep Singh, California State University, Chico
9:30am Discussion

Session VIII. Soil Health and Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices
(Moderator: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE)

10:30am Intercropping Alfalfa Into Young Tree Nut Orchards; Belowground Impacts of Alfalfa in Tree Rows and Middles Lauren Hale, USDA-ARS, Parlier, CA
10:50am Application of Compost to Alfalfa to Improve Soil Structure and Soil Nutrient Content Radomir Schmidt, Institute of the Environment, UC Davis
11:10am Evaluation of Almond Shell Mulch Application to Established Alfalfa Fields Sarah Light, UCCE
11:30am Discussion